How COVID Stole Our Time and How We Get it Back
I went to write this month’s PRISM letter several times and found that words escaped me. For anyone who knows me, that’s out of character! My thinking was clouded by the noise and how it seemed that just as we were emerging from our pandemic cocoons ready to embrace positivity, the world had other plans. The war in Ukraine is weighing heavy on my heart.
However, in taking the time to reflect on where we’ve been and where we are headed I have shifted my mindset and am rethinking how COVID stole our time and how we can get it back. This pragmatic yet hopeful piece by Tim Urban for the New York Times spoke to me for many reasons. It makes an excellent case that the moment to make up for lost time is now. If we focus too much on the past, we risk squandering the present. A simple yet hopeful thought with applications in various aspects of life: from career choices to parenting to romantic decisions and beyond. What about you? Are you living in the black or the green?
“We think about those black lines: the roads not taken, the opportunities missed, the ones that got away. But most of us greatly underestimate the size of the lush green tree of possibilities that lie ahead of us.”
– Tim Urban
In my role as company leader, I try to be intentional as to how I show up each day. As team members and clients are navigating their own relationship to return to work, life post-covid, wartime concerns in addition to the regular, run-of-the-mill life concerns, it can feel trite to discuss the latest social media trend or how the quarter ended. If you recognize any of your emails in this Work Emails in an Apocalypse piece, you may want to join me in thinking about how you show up too! However, if we can show up for each other with grace, aligned around a shared purpose, then I am confident that these same relationships will be critical to helping us overcome any “joy deficit” we may be experiencing… may hope *spring* eternal! 🌷
Cabanne Howard
CEO, Kaleidoscope Management Group