The Art of Healing
Julie Mehretu, Stadia II, 2004, ink and acrylic on canvas, 108 x 144 inches
Whether you are advocating for a full return to the office, trying to overcome burnout, or steering your company to avoid falling prey to The Great Resignation … it doesn’t mean you’re crazy, it means you are human (according to Dr. Lucy McBride).
In challenging times, I have found that art can provide a wonderful lens through which to see the world. In the early 2000s, I worked for Ronnie Greenberg at his esteemed gallery, Greenberg Van Doren. It was not only one of the best jobs I’ve ever had, but it was there that I was introduced to the work of Julie Mehretu. Ronnie bought and sold some exquisite pieces. One of which was Stadia II (above), which she made in 2004. Today, 17 years later, the piece is a brilliant representation of the current state of the world. Psychologically layered, chaotic and beautiful.
This image also made for the perfect visual backdrop for our recent strategy session, which is one of my favorite days of the year. It provides our team with a chance to reflect, connect and look ahead. No burnout here, if we can help it.
Cabanne Howard
CEO, Kaleidoscope Management Group