What We Can Learn From The Twitter Tornado

It’s amazing to think that it really wasn’t that long ago that the term “social media” and the whirlwind of drama surrounding it didn’t even exist. It’s now become a codependent extension of our lives and our brands - much like when someone’s personal identity becomes a little too tangled in their current job and the slightest shakeup can have catastrophic personal effects. Moments like these remind us to pause and get grounded.

The current social media drama of the moment is the aftermath of Elon Musk buying Twitter. Every day is a new eye-popping headline about what’s happening at Twitter HQ and — as digital marketers — we’re paying attention to the business implications and how this could impact our clients. So what can we learn from all of this?

  • Stay diversified when it comes to your content and media strategy. It’s easy to forget that you don’t technically own your social media channels in the way that you own your website, email lists, newsletter, etc. Make sure that you are taking an omnichannel approach to your marketing, of which social media is only one key piece. And even within social media, diversify your channels. You never know when new leadership, a new privacy law, etc., could change and disrupt a social media platform and you don’t want all of your eggs (birds?) in one basket. 🐦 Twitter has proven this point and then some.

  • Social media badges of honor like the verified “checkmark” or hitting a certain number of followers/likes may be relevant today but not tomorrow, or may not even correlate with meaningful business results. Keep your priorities focused on your goals and don’t get too caught up in vanity stats and metrics.


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