Leading from the Middle

Boo! 👻 That wasn’t scary. But you know what is? The fact that the holidays are already upon us.

As we continue to emerge from our pandemic cocoons, perhaps holiday travel is in the cards. Will you be flying Southwest? Like ever again? Southwest’s
recent apology following a system wide outage that grounded 2,000+ flights offers a cautionary tale to all brands considering how to respond in a crisis.

Did you know October is National Book Month? I recently picked up How to Break Up With Your Phone by Catherine Price. Amidst mounting evidence that digital addictions are drowning us in dopamine, it is extremely difficult to break up with our phone. We are in the business of digital. As such, I feel we have a responsibility to educate ourselves on the research and data with respect to the dangers presented by digital media, including social media, to mental health. Facebook’s mounting challenges highlight the urgency of the need for us to evaluate our relationship with digital media.

My hope is that we can leverage our knowledge as social media experts to advocate for how to enjoy social media for good. In my view, there is no better way to reach consumers at scale right now than social media. Using it wisely is key. So the next time you’re doomscrolling or mindlessly searching the internet, just stop and notice. Is it serving me? And don’t be afraid to unfollow. Curate the content you’re consuming the way you would think about nutrients you put into your body. Don’t deny your sweet tooth or craving, just not as a primary source of fuel. Speaking of sweets, Happy Halloween!



Cabanne Howard
CEO, Kaleidoscope Management Group


Awaken Our Innate Hunger for Meaning and Purpose


The Time Management Trap