Into the Great Unknown

We are all finding new ways to do familiar things. Our recent strategy session was no exception. Following months of virtual interaction, this year we decided to take our annual meeting — valued time for our team to reflect on the past and plan for the future — outside. Forest Park was an ideal setting for this socially-distant gathering. We looked back at 2020, and together we explored how to reinvent the way we work as a team, in light of the continued effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Innovation" and "Inviting Disruption" emerged as central themes to how we work together at a distance and will become even more important as we forge ahead in this new environment. All industries —marketing included — have been forced to re-evaluate how they deliver services for maximum value.

What has the pandemic caused you to do differently? At work? At home? Which changes are you looking forward to making permanent? Whether you have been making copious amounts of banana bread, taken up tie-dye, slowed down or sped up... I’d love to hear.

Keep innovating. Invite change. Be kind to yourself and others. And let’s savor what remains of warm summer temps in preparation for what I anticipate will be a long winter.


August is Like the Sunday of Summer


Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable