Gratitude is Key to Health and Wellbeing

I don't know about you, but it’s been harder to feel grateful lately. In this season of gratitude, marked by tremendous struggle for everyone everywhere, it can be a challenge to find the silver linings.

And, yet, leading research suggests that
gratitude is key to health and wellbeing. And who could argue that health isn't a top priority for all of us right now? So I took the experts’ advice and wrote you a thank you note.

Thank you. For being a trusted advisor, client and friend to KMG. For forging ahead even when it’s hard. I owe a debt of gratitude to those who have navigated this time with us (read: you) and helped position us to face – and even embrace – what’s left of 2020 and the year ahead. Let’s encourage each other to cultivate gratitude and seek – even create – light in the darkness.

Have you heard
The Keep Going Song? This viral sensation puts it beautifully: “If your heart is breaking, I hope it’s breaking open.” I continue to be inspired by the generosity I see around me. One of our longtime, valued clients has volunteered on Thanksgiving Day with Meals on Wheels for the past 35 years. They aren’t taking 2020 off; just going contactless. Our family will be there.

How are you staying grateful? Being the light? I’d love to hear. Wow; between this and the
promising news of a vaccine, I feel better already. Gobble, gobble.


Thank You, Healthcare Heros!


Inspiration is Everywhere – Look Up