KMG Through the Years: KMG Turns 6

This week, Kaleidoscope Management Group celebrates our 6th anniversary. This milestone is particularly gratifying after reflecting on where we have been since March 2020. 

If you are anything like me (
or Jimmy Fallon), you can’t believe it’s already March again.

One year ago today, we moved to a remote-first model. In this period, we worked very hard to maintain the trust of our valued clients. We also witnessed a surge of interest from companies who, prior to the pandemic, had not previously relied on marketing to achieve their business goals. Our team sprang into action and deployed communications tools to ensure we didn’t miss a beat. Needless to say, it has been — as for so many — a challenging, but in many ways inspiring, year.

Which has me reflecting on how, as CEO, my role is as much marketer as symphony conductor. Helping others create beautiful music (or marketing, as it were), in harmony. How do you lead? Are you a conductor? A first chair? I’d love to hear. Ensuring clarity of vision (
and engaging others around said vision) will continue to be a key focus for KMG in 2021. 

Being women-led is a badge we wear proudly, especially during Women’s History Month, as we celebrate the 
many achievements of women who came before us. So on this anniversary, l invite you to raise a glass (preferably of a Major Brands-distributed product) to a woman in your life who inspires you. Thanks for being here.



Cabanne Howard
CEO, Kaleidoscope Management Group


Listen for Understanding


February is Black History Month