The Difference in Social Media Usage: Gen Z vs Other Generations

Just about everyone has at least one social media account, and every generation uses it differently, but there’s no doubt that Gen Z is the most offbeat. They are real digital natives, having never known a world without the internet and social media platforms. Gen Z prefers to get their news, entertainment, and conversation all through social media. 

As an intern at Kaleidoscope Management Group, it was important to understand all the different demographics on social media, how people are using each network and highlight new trends to consider. Knowing which social platforms are popular and what kind of content people enjoy can help zero in on the content creation process. Read more about how to find out the difference in how the generations use social media in this article by
Post Beyond.


  • Most used  platforms are Facebook and LinkedIn. 

  • Embrace resharing interesting content. They are 19% more likely to share content than other generations. 

  • Less likely to have multiple social media profiles. 

  • Least likely to access social media from a smartphone or make a purchase through an app.

Gen X:

  • Favorite platform is Facebook

  • Do not like to broadcast their personal life. They did not inherit the ‘selfie culture’ associated with social media.  

    • Selfie culture: the motivation to post yourself online for image control and self-esteem. 

  • Gen X makes 68% of their buying decisions based on online reviews. 

  • They’re multitaskers and regularly switch between multiple devices (computer, tablets, and mobile).


  • Facebook is their most popular platform, but Instagram is a very close second. 

  • This generation is heavily influenced by social media.84% said they’ve been influenced to make a purchase based on user generated content. 

  • They use social media as a primary form of communication and inspiration.

  • They have no issue putting their personal and professional lives on social media, through their inherited ‘selfie culture.’

Gen Z: 

  • Most used platforms are YouTube, Snapchat and Instagram. 

  • 44% of this generation checks their social profiles at least hourly.

  • They prefer timebound social sharing like Instagram stories and Snapchat. 

  • Generation Z is more likely to use social media to fill time and be entertained rather than connect with friends.

Not only are Gen Zer’s choice of social media platforms different, but how they use them as well. A recent study from YPulse points out some key differences in usage.

  • Who they follow 

    • Gen Z is more likely to follow online celebrities/creators as well as meme accounts.  

  • Why they use social media  

    • Gen Z uses social media to keep entertained and connect with their online networks. 

  • What they’re doing 

    • Gen Z is usually watching video content or checking their social media feeds.

Generation Z grew up with technology, the internet, and social media, which has led to stereotypes about them being tech-obsessed. Gen Z is more diverse than any previous generation, and they are on course to be the most educated group yet. It's a common misconception that Generation Z is entirely focused on technology, however their devices are mostly used for entertainment and are only utilized for communication when face-to-face communication is unavailable. Generation Z will soon become the most influential generation in retail, and many of them will have significant purchasing power in the near future. 

Retailers and brands need to start building relationships with Gen Zers now if they want a piece of this expanding demographic. It’s essential to know the popular social platforms of your target audience. Not only should you know where your audience is, but how they behave, and what they want on each platform. Utilizing this data allows you to be able to better understand and engage with your audience. 

Curious to learn more about utilizing social platforms in the best possible way for your brand? We’d love to talk. Contact us today.


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